don't panic labs reading list

DPL Reading List – December 28, 2018





Here are some of the new and interesting articles we found this week. The Yoda of Silicon Valley – “For half a century, the Stanford computer scientist Donald Knuth, who bears a slight resemblance to Yoda — albeit standing 6-foot-4 and wearing glasses — has reigned as the spirit-guide of the algorithmic realm. He is…

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Quick Look – Angular Async / Await





These days, Async / Await is old hat for most C# developers. Using it in C# land makes async programming almost as readable as synchronous code. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous code? Quite frankly, you can read synchronous code and asynchronous code, but it is kind of a mess. With asynchronous code,…

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Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – December 21, 2018





Here are some of the new and interesting articles we found this week. 7 of the year’s best books on tech – “It was the tech industry’s ugliest year yet. Fortunately, there were also big books that schooled us on where we stand in the context of a larger era. They covered everything from the…

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On Leaving the Best Job You Ever Had





I don’t like to use the word “quit.” It makes it sound like you’re giving up, that you are leaving things incomplete. I write that because I am leaving Don’t Panic Labs; I’m leaving the best job I’ve ever had. This was the plan all along I suppose. During one of my first staff meetings…

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Top Posts of 2018 - Don't Panic Labs

Our Top Posts of 2018





As we near the end of another year, it’s time to look back at what our team has contributed to the Don’t Panic Labs blog. Usually, we just cover what was published on our blog, but 2018 saw the launch of Doug Durham’s own site and blog. In late September, he began a three-part series…

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Quick Look – Angular Service Swap





Dependency inversion is a common software engineering concept. It is the D in SOLID. With DI we are intentionally not programming against a particular implementation. Often this manifests itself by passing the implementation into a service through its constructor. This is called constructor injection. Angular uses constructor injection within its architecture. Services are injected into…

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Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – December 14, 2018





Here are some of the new and interesting articles we found this week. Edge dies a death of a thousand cuts as Microsoft switches to Chromium – The company’s browser will still be named Edge and should retain the current look and feel. The decision to switch was motivated primarily by compatibility problems: Web developers…

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JetBrains Rider: First Impressions





When all of us think of .NET development, we think Visual Studio. I’ve been a user of Visual Studio (VS) for years, and it is probably my favorite Microsoft product. If you compare VS to almost any other IDE, you will likely be left wanting. I have tried other editors over the years, but nothing…

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Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – December 7, 2018





Here are some of the new and interesting articles we found this week. Watch Out for a Clever Touch ID Scam Hitting the App Store – “In separately reported incidents, apps posing as health assistants invite users to use Touch ID before they show a calorie tracker, or take a heart rate measurement, or some…

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UI Development Without a Backend?





UI development can be a significant risk for a project. UIs are what users interact with, and waiting for the UI to be done at the end can endanger your project’s timeline or negatively impact a user’s experience with it. Building software in the most efficient way often starts by building from the bottom up….

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