Introduction: Why You Need to Care It’s astonishing and yet unsurprising, given the last few decades of rapid technological growth, that the software industry remains so vulnerable to failure. Despite being the backbone of nearly every facet of modern life—transportation, healthcare, education, finance—software development is plagued by alarming inefficiencies and inconsistencies. We’re at a critical…
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Musings On Career Development in Software I have spent a fair amount of time over the last 5-10 years thinking about how our industry views and supports professional development. My own journey has given me an opportunity to see and experience what it takes to go from no education (other than a FORTRAN class in…
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Note: This post was originally published on Doug’s website on July 20, 2021. Last week, I had the privilege to give the opening keynote at the 2021 Nebraska.Code() conference. My topic was Musings on Developer Maturity and Growth where I laid out a model for creating developer maturity proto-personas using IEEE’s Guide to the Software…
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