Core Use Cases




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In this series, we are focusing on creating a software system. This has many steps. We created a mental model. Next, we got an overview of the project. Then, we gathered requirements and built an epic-level backlog. In this step, we are going to take those artifacts and break them down into core use cases…

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Build Your Backlog




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In my previous post, we talked about gathering requirements. This post will discuss getting those requirements into an epic-level backlog. There are three things I think about when building a backlog. When we start this process, we must keep in mind the danger of incomplete pictures. The danger is real and often happens on many…

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Gathering Requirements




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In our previous post in this series, we discussed getting an overview of a system. In it, I provided the following items that you should know as you assemble an overview: Now that we have an overview, it is time to start gathering requirements. Requirements are, in many ways, the most important part of the…

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Do You Have a Product Backlog?




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Picture yourself as an eager entrepreneur with a strong vision for a software product that is going to solve lots of problems within your industry. You work through the early phases of testing your problem-solution fit and develop your minimum viable product (MVP). It’s post MVP launch, and you start learning some things. The software…

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The Life of the Product Owner




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Life is a funny thing; I fell into a product manager role several years ago and, in the process, inherited the role of product owner (PO). As of late, I have found myself providing guidance on what it means to be a product owner to various organizations of different sizes and products. The common theme…

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