Targeting .NET Standard in Xamarin Forms and Shared Libraries





Cassey shares how the Ocuvera team converted a legacy project to NET Standard for use in Xamarin Forms.

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Useful Textbooks from a Computer Science Degree





Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on Cassey’s Thoughts, her personal blog. In my time as an undergraduate studying Computer Science, I came across several textbooks that were really useful. (This may be a surprise to you; it was to me when I finally started finding them.) I share them here for others who…

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Two Months of Mobile UX: Just Don’t





I’ve been on the road for about a month and a half now traveling Europe. My 15-inch MacBook is many things, but light is not one of them. It remained at home and I’m on the road with an Android phone and an older model iPad. Traveling this way has helped me see with maddening…

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Internal Tools Are The Worst





One of the first pieces of career advice I received when looking for an internship in software development was to never, ever take an internship where the project is for internal use only. The conventional wisdom on this is so strong that companies often tout the lack of internal projects as a highlight of their…

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