Getting Started - Azure B2C

Getting Started with Azure B2C Identity Management

Users are essential for software, but managing users isn’t a unique value-add we are often providing with our software. Letting someone else manage users for us makes a lot of sense and saves many headaches.

Thankfully there are many services that do this really well. One of those services is Azure Active Directory B2C. In this post, I will cover the steps needed to get started with it.

Log in to the Azure portal and add an Azure B2C directory.

Azure B2C

Enter an organization name and a domain name.

Azure B2C

Click “Services”, then search for “B2C”. Once you are on the Azure AD B2C page, click the “Add” button to add an application.

Azure B2C

Enter the required information. Since we will test this using Visual Studio running a local .NET core project, we need to use a localhost URL as the reply URL.

Azure B2C

Now that we have a B2C directory and a B2C application, we need to create application flows for sign in / sign up, profile editing, and password reset. To create each one of these, click “New user flow” and complete the on-screen instructions.

Azure B2C

Azure B2C

Azure B2C

Now we need to create an ASP.NET Core Web Application.

Azure B2C

While creating the application, you will need to configure the identity to use “Individual User Accounts”.

Azure B2C

Lastly, we need to update the appsettings.json file. Your ASP.NET core web application will already have this file in place. You just need to make a few tweaks to it.

Run the ASP.NET web application by pressing F5 from within Visual Studio.

Once the web application loads, click “Sign In”.

Azure B2C test application

Click the “Sign up now” link.

Azure B2C test sign in page

Enter the required fields and click “Create”.

Azure B2C test sign in page

You will be redirected to your web application as a logged in user. Done.

Azure B2C does not charge you for your first 50k users, which makes it an inexpensive solution for new SaaS products.

If you have any questions or comments, hit me up on Twitter.

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Chad Michel Senior Software Architect
Chad is a lifelong Nebraskan. He grew up in rural Nebraska and now lives in Lincoln. Chad and his wife have a son and daughter.

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